Thursday, June 27, 2019

This blog is about to resume service ...

... please leave the vehicle now if you have no intention of travelling with us.

I'm about to embark on a couple of projects in the e-learning area, specifically creating a blended course for CPD learners.

As I go along I'll be doing some research and reflection, and therefore I'll be using this blog as a reflective journal. And complaining a lot.

Posting frequency about one a week, so set shields to medium and RSS readers to stun. If you've still got one of those. Cross-posts on my @whyndham_UCL twitters, which is probably a more convenient way of keeping in touch.
More details in the next posts.

Meanwhile, for long-term readers of this blog, some news. Julie is now something important somewhere else, and has a lovely family and a PhD. I haven't a clue what happened to Dan, but Google might know. I'm still at UCL, in the Centre for Systems Engineering.