Monday, November 08, 2004

Julie's Introduction

Hello, I'm Julie Voce and I'm one of two Learning Technologies Support Officers. My role is to provide support, advice and training on all aspects of Learning Technology. The main area I deal with is the Virtual Learning Environment, WebCT, however this will probably change as people embrace other technologies like Computer Assisted/Aided Assessment.

To let you know a little more about my background, I have a MEng in Computer Science so in theory I'm quite techy with experience of programming in C, Java and obscure languages like Haskell and Modula-2. My first job after graduating was at UMIST (now part of the University of Manchester) on an EU funded research project which developed a piece of language learning software for intermediate to advanced learners of French (Freetext). Whilst at UMIST I also taught on the MSc in Computer Assisted Language Learning, where our students had to develop a WebCT course and I am pleased to say they did remarkably well.

For more information about learning technology see:

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