Wednesday, November 03, 2004

Let's not go there

In Derek Morrison's Auricle, a frightening 2nd-hand account of rampant corporatisation - use the Official VLE or get a slap. Derek:
Message from Earth to institution; weblogs, wikis etc - you need to support them.

The First Party was James Farmer - article here - note the many, many messages of outrage and support.

The paradox is, I suppose, that teachers require support and infrastructure to deliver their teaching. What they don't want is for the provision, when it comes, to completely dictate their teaching practices. If we can't have provision then we'll require to be left alone to work. That's natural enough when we are talking about £200 OHP units but not necesserly the outcome when the technology costs are orders of magnitude greater.

Creativity is not an optional extra in the education field. I sincerely hope our institution doesn't go this way (towards a proprietary monoculture of tools), and, to date it doesn't look like it will. An example of second-mover advantage, perhaps?

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